To Grow More Letter Writers, Just Add Books

April 13, 2013 § 4 Comments

If you are a letter writer who is a) enthusiastic about books and b) interested in encouraging young letter writers (and potential letter writers), this post is for you!  Grab your library card–it is safe to assume that most letter writers have library cards in good standing, isn’t it?–and go find these books:

Book Cover of Mailing May by Michael O. Tunnell

In 1914, classified as a baby chick and under the care of a railway postal clerk who was also her mother’s cousin, five-year-old May was stamped with 53¢ of postage and mailed to her grandmother.  Based on a true story.

Will the Great never gets any mail until he takes matters into his own hands. Along the way, he eats a lot of cereal and learns how the postal system works. (Added bonus: there’s a checklist in the back of this book to help you get started creating mail magic of your own.)

Book cover of Mule Train Mail by Craig Brown

In the village of Supai, which is located at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, mail is delivered by mule train. Since 1896 skilled muleteers have led mules on the eight mile trip from the top of the canyon to the small village where they deliver mail and other necessities. Based on a true story.

Once you have the books in hand, find your favorite kids and start reading.  Have your papers and your pens, your stamps and your stickers at the ready.  There’s a good chance that it won’t be long before inspired letters are waiting to be posted.

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§ 4 Responses to To Grow More Letter Writers, Just Add Books

  • Emilie says:

    Ooh! I’ll have to get the mule train book! My family had five mules when I was younger… Big Ben, Mama, Molly, Elmer, and Livee. But not all at the same time. :)

    • Annie says:

      You might also enjoy Down Cut Shin Creek by Kathi Appelt. It’s about the Pack Horse Library Program, which delivered books to rural Kentucky households in the 1930s and early-1940s via horse and mule. The world is just full of interesting stories!

  • Great choices! I remember reading about the first story a while back. Thought it was cute. It was a safer time for children then, wasn’t it? :)

    I like the Great’s initiative. Maybe I should add this one to the growing list for my young readers. Mail writers aren’t born, they’re created.

    God bless the mighty mule, and all work horses. I choke when I see people riding little burros, mules, and even some horses.

    Nice post.

    • Annie says:

      Thank you, Limner! Is your list for your young readers a mail-related list or just a list of generally fantastic books? Being a librarian, I’m into both kinds myself. :)

Thoughts? Please share!

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